New business park at Avalon Airport

Avalon Airport is Flying Made Easy, aimed at offering passengers a convenient, uncomplicated and time-efficient service through pocket-friendly fares.

A new industrial area means It may be a whole lot more in the future! Work has just commenced on building a 35,000-square meter Cotton On distribution centre that will be able to deliver 100 million items annually by late next year (2018). This centre will provide 200 local jobs with the company, followed by 750 jobs during the construction phase and an ­expected 1100 indirect jobs ­beyond that.

This is just the beginning of a massive process aimed to lure in major businesses to the industrial area. The aim is to turn Avalon Airport into an industrial-mini city.

Cotton On is the first business to build on the site but there will be many more to follow in the future.

It has the potential to be an absolute game changer for Geelong and create tens of thousands of local jobs.

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